Photo Prints

Keep it simple with our top of the range Photo Prints. Our most popular product, with a range of sizes is printed on quality Kodak Photo Paper and has a glossy finish.

Framed Prints

For those after traditional framed photos this is the product of choice. Created using our quality Photo Prints, double mounted in cream and black using high-quality mount board. The frame is a 1.5 inch thick edged black perspex frame that comes complete with fixings for hanging. The perspex is also protected from scratches by a protective film that is easily peeled off.


A high-quality mug which is dishwasher safe and made from ceramic. Image is printed onto the mug from one side of the handle to the other. Allows for a capacity of 330ml.

Mega Mug

For those who need that little extra tea or coffee to keep them going our Mega Mug is the perfect addition to a kitchen cupboard. Dishwasher safe and made from Ceramic it allows for a capacity of 425ml.

Coaster Square

Our single coaster squares are perfect for work or home. Made from MDF, they are also hard backed with rounded corners. Dimensions 9x9cm.


A single 360x250mm Polysub placemat made from solid, soft-touch felt.

Plastic Keyring

Printed on both sides of the keyring, our Plastic Keyring measures 4.5x7.5cm and is made from Acrylic. It comes with a ring to connect to your current keyrings.

Metal Bottle Opener Keyring

Our premium keyring comes with a bottle opener and possesses a Matt satin finish. Supplied with a Presentation box, this is a great product for a gift or stocking filler.

Fridge Magnet

Our combined magnet and picture frame is made from Acrylicand the dimensions are 5x7cm.


The perfect addition for your work and home PC, our mousemats are made from Polyester Features with the photo printed on a black rubber pad. Size 220x120cm x 5mm.

Greeting Card

Our greeting cards are great for Christmas, Birthdays and special occasions. A5 in size and printed in the UK on board supplied from environmentally sustainable forests. The card is blank inside and comes with an envelope.

Cushion Cover

Make your memories become a part of the furniture with a Cushion Cover from Racing Post Photos. 40x40cm and made from Polyester, the Cushion Cover is machine washable and comes with padding filling.


Spend hours working with family on our jigsaws. Our Cardboard jigsaw comes A4 in size and comes in 120 pieces while our wooden jigsaw comes in 150 pieces and A3 when fully completed.

Black Wooden Panel

Our Black Wooden Photo Panel is made from MDF and has a high definition image that will not fade. The MDF panel is 1.5cm thick with black edging and the product can be purchased in various sizes.

Aluminium Wall Art

Made from Aluminium, the product is easily stuck to the wall using a variety of methods (fixtures and fittings not included). Varying in size, it’s perfect for those looking for a lightweight substitution from framed photos.

Floating Acrylic Prints

Our Floating Acrylic Prints are perfect for someone looking for a wall product with no visible hanging system or frame. These panels give a seamless, ultra-sleek ‘float look’ finish allowing for no interruption to the image. Made from the best Crystal Clear acrylic panels finished with Diamond Polished edges. Ready-to-hang using the relevant hanging system for your chosen size, depth and shape.


Our posters are top of the range and printed on 250GSM Silk paper and comes in various sizes.

Glass Photo Frames

4mm thick toughened safety glass which can be used as landscape or portrait, Available in a variety of sizes.

Adult T-Shirts

Available in a variety of adult sizes, our T-Shirts are made from Polyester. They are suitable for a 30 degrees wash and do not tumble dry.